Letter of recommendation for immigration

An immigration recommendation letter is a crucial document to support an immigrant’s application. Written by a trusted person who knows the applicant, this letter attests to his or her character and qualities.

If you are wondering how to write a letter of recommendation for immigration, it is a simple but important process, as it may be necessary in various situations, such as visa applications, asylum, adjustment of status or other immigration-related processes.

Below, we provide you with examples and tips on how to create effective letters of recommendation for immigration.

Important considerations in the drafting of the letter

  1. Professional and respectful tone: The immigration letter of recommendation should be written in a professional and respectful tone at all times.
  2. Know the specific requirements: Make sure you know the requirements of the immigration agency to which the letter will be sent. You can verify this information with the immigration office closest to your area.
  3. Notarized signature: Some agencies may require the sender to sign the letter in the presence of a notary public. Be sure to comply with these requirements if necessary.
  4. English Filing: USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) requires that all documentation be submitted in English. If your letters are in another language, it is important to obtain certified translations.

Steps to make a letter of recommendation for immigration purposes

Step 1: Identify the sender

  • The sender should be someone who knows the applicant and is willing to support the applicant’s case.
  • It may be an employer, teacher, supervisor, trusted friend or family member.

Step 2: Structure of the letter

  • Begin the letter with a heading that includes the date and address of the addressee, which will generally be the nearest immigration office.
  • Include a formal greeting, such as “Dear Immigration Officer” or “To whom it may concern”.

Step 3: Introduction

  • In the introduction, the sender mentions how he/she knows the applicant and how long he/she has had a relationship with him/her, be it family, work or friendship.

Step 4: Body development

  • In this section, the sender highlights the applicant’s qualities, skills and personal characteristics relevant to his or her immigration case.
  • It is important to provide concrete examples to support these statements, such as work experience, volunteering, studies, among others.
  • Explain why you believe the applicant is a suitable candidate for immigration.

Step 5: Conclusion

  • Highlights the sender’s willingness to answer additional questions or provide more information if needed.
  • Thank the immigration officer for his consideration.

Step 6: Signature and contact

  • Sign the letter of recommendation.
  • Include the sender’s contact information, such as address, telephone number and e-mail address.
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Types and examples of immigration letters

There are several types of immigration recommendation letters, each with a specific purpose depending on the immigration process. The following are some examples:

  1. Letter of Support for a Relative: This letter supports the application of a relative seeking immigration approval. It can be written by a close friend or family member. An example in Spanish is shown below:

[Fecha de emisión de la carta]
[Lugar de emisión]

Dear [Nombre del destinatario]/ Honorable Immigration Judge:

My name is [Nombre del autor], and I am writing on behalf of my [parentesco], [Nombre del solicitante], to recommend your approval for [citizenship, visa, refugee processing] of the United States.

I am [residente o ciudadana de los Estados Unidos], have lived for [tiempo de residencia] and work as [cargo] at [Lugar de trabajo]. I have known [Nombre del solicitante] for [tiempo de conocidos] and can attest to her kindness, responsibility and exceptional work ethic. He is an honorable person of great rectitude, conscience and morality, for which I am sure he will make an outstanding contribution to the community in the United States.

Therefore, I am hopeful that this recommendation will be considered when awarding the [documento de inmigración]. I freely, spontaneously and voluntarily consent to [Nombre y Apellidos del recomendado] to use this document in my name for the purpose for which it is requested.

Please find enclosed my contact information to answer any request or to clarify any doubt related to this recommendation.

Yours faithfully
Author’s name and signature.

2. Employee Immigration Reference Letter: This letter supports an employee’s immigration application and is written by the employer.

[Fecha de emisión de la carta]
[Lugar de emisión]

Dear [Nombre del destinatario]/ Honorable Immigration Judge:

My name is [Nombre del autor], and I am writing on behalf of my employee, [Nombre del solicitante], to recommend your approval for [U.S. citizenship, visa, refugee processing].

I am [residente o ciudadana de los Estados Unidos], have lived for [tiempo de residencia] and work as [cargo] at [Lugar de trabajo]. I have known [Nombre del solicitante] for [tiempo de conocidos] and I can vouch for his work, his responsibility, honesty and good personal values. He is an honorable person of great rectitude, diligent and responsible. During his time on the job, he has been an exceptional employee and I am confident that he will make an outstanding contribution to the community in the United States.

Therefore, I am hopeful that this recommendation will be considered when awarding the [documento de inmigración]. I freely, spontaneously and voluntarily consent to [Nombre y Apellidos del recomendado] to use this document in my name for the purpose for which it is requested.

Please find enclosed my contact information to answer any request or to clarify any doubt related to this recommendation.

Yours faithfully
Author’s name and signature.

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3. Letter of recommendation of moral character: This letter demonstrates the applicant’s good character and ethics. It can be written by close friends, colleagues or community members. An example is shown below:

[Fecha de emisión de la carta]
[Lugar de emisión]

Dear [Nombre del destinatario]/ Honorable Immigration Judge and/or anyone else who may be interested:

I am pleased to be writing this Immigration Referral Letter on behalf of my good friend. [Incluye el nombre de tu amigo]. My name is [Sender’s name, age and marital status], and it is my privilege to have known [Nombre de su amigo] for the past [ ] years. I really consider him a nice person and a respectable businessman. I met him about [ ] years ago when I worked with him at [ ]. He is a generous and kind person. Besides that, he treats each and every person with kindness and our relationship is as if he is a member of my family.

He is an individual with a wonderful personality. He is responsible and hardworking. Your family has worked and lived in [ ] for some time. But, due to contractual agreements, he has not been able to join his family members here in the United States. During the immigration process, I offer you all my support, financially, physically and mentally.

It is a great honor for me to consider him a great friend. You may contact me at any time, if necessary, to provide you with any additional information you may require.

Affectionately/ Sincerely
Sender’s signature
Sender’s name

4. Academic letter of recommendation: This letter supports the immigration application of a student or scholar and is written by a professor, tutor or educational program director. An example is shown below:

[Fecha de emisión de la carta]
[Lugar de emisión]

Dear [Nombre del destinatario]/ Honorable Immigration Judge

My name is [Nombre del autor y profesión o cargo], and I am writing on behalf of my student/colleague, [Nombre del solicitante], to recommend your approval for [U.S. citizenship, visa, refugee processing].

I am [residente o ciudadana de los Estados Unidos], have lived for [tiempo de residencia] and work as [cargo] at [Lugar de trabajo]. I have known [Nombre del solicitante] for [tiempo de conocidos] and can attest to his studies, as well as his professional career, his work, his academic contributions and his good personal values. He is an honorable person of great rectitude, diligent and responsible. Throughout his career he has been an exceptional [student, teacher, scholar] and I am confident that he will make an outstanding contribution to the community in the United States.

Therefore, I am hopeful that this recommendation will be considered when awarding the [documento de inmigración]. I freely, spontaneously and voluntarily consent to [Nombre y Apellidos del recomendado] to use this document in my name for the purpose for which it is requested.

Please find enclosed my contact information to answer any request or to clarify any doubt related to this recommendation.

Yours faithfully
Author’s name and signature.

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